The price paid upfront is the present value of all the future cash - flows of coupons and principal on matu - rity , discounted at the appropriate interest rate , which is also known as the yield to maturity ( ytm ) of the bond 这笔钱就是投资者将来会收到的利息和到期时会取回的本金的现值,而所用的贴现利率就叫做“到期利率” 。
This thesis will study this classical model from the deposit contract designing angle . through the literature above , we can see this is a brand - new angle . there are three aspects in the model which reflect the deposit contract designing philosophy : the appropriate interest rate 通过上述文献的梳理,文章提出从存款契约设计角度研究该模型是一个非常新的角度,进而从模型的利率结构设计和其他应对银行挤兑危机的措施设计方面分析模型的存款契约设计思想。